Occupational safety and health activities, fire safety activities, environmental protection activities, ADR advice, explosion protection documentation
Labor Safety
- Consulting, expert advice (occupational safety, occupational health, fire protection, environmental protection, lifting equipment, etc.),
- Licensing, management, commissioning,
- Complex inspections, due diligence in the abovementioned fields,
- Risk assessment, risk evaluation,
- Carrying out periodic safety inspections of dangerous work equipment and other types of work equipment specified by legislation,
- Lifting equipment inspections and follow-up administration,
- Accredited and informative hygiene and environmental measurements,
- Preparation of regulations and plans (health and safety, fire protection, environmental protection, waste management, rescue (accident), etc.), impact assessments,
- Investigation of accidents at work (including serious and fatal), accidents involving students, expert opinion on compensations and indemnities,
- Organization of training courses, seminars and conferences,
- Preparation of specific training materials, both simple and multimedia,
- Providing ongoing service and representation,
- Training of occupational safety and health representatives,
- Implementation of safety management systems,
- Preparation of explosion protection documentation.
Fire Protection
- Licensing, management, commissioning,
- Electrical and lightning safety inspections,
- Planning, installation, maintenance and inspection of fire-fighting equipment, appliances and systems,
- Preparation of regulations and plans (fire protection), impact studies,
- Organization of training courses, seminars and conferences,
- Providing ongoing service and representation.
Environmental Protection
- Environmental licensing, management, commissioning,
- Environmental impact assessment,
- Preparation of environmental regulations,
- Organization of environmental conferences,
- Providing ongoing service and representation,
- ADR consultancy.